

Athletes & General Public

Clinical tissue therapy, or soft tissue therapy as it’s also known, is a highly sought after method of muscle therapy that’s been used for many years. It’s been administered not only on athletes but alongside general training programs also to prevent injury and allow for the many benefits that regular massage can offer. Finding a qualified clinical tissue therapist is therefore critical when seeking such treatment to complement training and posture in everyday life.

Qualified Sports Massage Therapist

Mike is a fully qualified Sports Massage Therapist, being qualified since 2005 from the well recognised London School of Sports Massage (LSSM) HND Dip. Mike has various different qualifications including the previously mentioned alongside Dry Needling and Instrument Assisted Tissue Therapy. You can rest assured you’re in good hands.

Industry Experienced

Throughout his work, Mike has always had a very open mind, working closely with both Chiropractors and Osteopaths. This is not only to increase his knowledge but also continue his learning, complimenting further courses and his keen desire for on-going education within his field. This has ensured Mike is always at the very top of his game, using the latest techniques and technologies within his Clinical Massage Therapy.

Various Diagnosis Methods

From diagnostic methods such as mechanical and neural testing to observing the movement and function of a client, Mike’s experience allows him to delve deep into each client’s physical needs, even looking at joint mobility and overall flexibility.

Bespoke Massage Service

Being able to observe each patient on such a level allows Mike the ability to treat each patient according to their individual needs; this means a very specific treatment for everyone. From Dry Needling to Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation and Active Release Work, his knowledge of soft tissue therapy is extensive, allowing you as a patient to receive the very best treatment.
Helping you with your pain so you can
live your life to the fullest


Click on one of Mike’s other services to read more about it.


Corrective Exercise Therapy

Corrective Exercise allows the Kinetic chain to re-educate how it should be working as a whole unit and helps corrects dysfunction.

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Mike is a fully qualified Strength & Conditioning coach completing qualifications with British Weightlifting UK.

Sports Massage Therapy

Mike is a fully qualified Sports Massage Therapist who qualified in 2005 From the London School of Sports Massage.

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