

Muscle Recovery & Healing

Corrective Exercise allows the Kinetic chain to re-educate how it should be working as a whole unit and helps corrects dysfunction. This can be done in several ways including Motor Sensory work, joint mobilisation, active/dynamic stretching/flexibility, controlled re-strengthening of areas with different modes and use of tempos.

Your Needs Taken Into Account

There are many things to take into consideration with injuries and dysfunctional issues when correcting them. Corrective Exercise is very powerful if worked in the right order and with all of the above taken into consideration.
I use Corrective Exercise while training clients as well as incorporate it within the tissue work, which benefits the healing/recovery process from injury and discomfort.


Are the joints articulating well and in good order e.g arthritic/worn etc.

Tissue Mechanics

Are the muscles receiving neural input. Are they in an adhesive/dysfunctional state? For what reason?

Neural function

How well are the nerves delivering and receiving messages to and from the Brain/spinal chord?

Fascia/Connective Tissue

If the the Fascia/Connective Tissue is restricted or adhesive this has an impact on joint function and general mobility as well as causing pain and discomfort.

Skeletal Alignment

If the Skeletal alignment is misaligned this can have a huge impact on how we function in many ways including off-loading gravity, torque & impact also the effect on nerve routes and function.

Foot Mechanics

The Mechanics of the foot are incredibly overlooked and can lead to a lot of discrepancies through the Kjnetic chain.
Helping you with your pain so you can
live your life to the fullest


Click on one of Mike’s other services to read more about it.


Clinical Tissue Therapy

Clinical tissue therapy helps reduce pain, inflammation, tension, improves mobility and promotes healing for various soft tissue injuries.

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Mike is a fully qualified Strength & Conditioning coach completing qualifications with British Weightlifting UK.

Sports Massage Therapy

Mike is a fully qualified Sports Massage Therapist who qualified in 2005 From the London School of Sports Massage.

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